Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Things are kind of crappy right now.  Well, shitty to be honest. 

I've got some sick family members.  One will probably not be with us much longer and the other is facing a lifetime of excruciating pain.  I can't do anything for the one who is dying except support those who are still living and maybe try to find a home for her dog.  I'm a good hugger.  I hope that helps my loved ones.

I can help the one in pain much more.  I can cook for her, clean for her, help her walk, set out her pills, get her groceries, do her laundry, do her dishes, etc.  I will gladly do that stuff because it's so much easier than watch her go through what she's going through.  I'll do anything she needs if it means making her more comfortable so she can enjoy her life.

Also, my car is getting to be pretty dangerous to drive.  The right side of the windshield is almost always foggy.  The defrost doesn't work on that side and neither does the floor vent.  It wouldn't matter if they did work because a lovely, thick vapor comes out of the vents when I turn them on.  Well, unless it's the cold defrost and the car is constantly moving.  I know there's a coolant leak somewhere.  That's a definite.  Unfortunately, my car likes to be very expensive to fix and I can't do expensive right now.  I wish I was a good liar so my car could have an "accident."  I can't do that though.  I'd turn myself in before I even finished the job.

Lastly, my hair is being a bitch.  I normally don't care about it, but this is ridiculous.

With all this bad stuff, it's getting kind of hard to think happy thoughts.  The gloomy, misty junk outside is making it even harder.  I'm doing my best though.  I'm not dead.  That's good.  I have Grace.  She makes life good even when I'm mad at her.  I have the best friends and family.  I get mashed potatoes for lunch.  At some point, I'll get a hug today.  There.  I'm better now.  Mostly.  I'm badgood.  Better than just bad. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a bad heater core, they are a radiator looking thing under the passenger dash that coolant from the engine runs through for heat for the car. I had the same thing happen in my old truck. You probably want to get that taken care of before it really blows because it makes a real bad mess of the carpet when it leaks and you get engine coolant soaked into the carpet. It's kind of a pain in the ass to fix but not terribly expensive if I recall. I do remember cussing a lot while changing it out though.
