I've been having some trouble sleeping lately and when I have slept, the dreams I've had haven't been all that amusing. Last night, the tables turned and I had myself this lovely, little gem:
I was walking toward my godforsaken Saturn outside my friend's house in Wymore, NE. As I approached the vehicle, I noticed a pretty damn big mountain lion snoozing underneath it. I froze in the middle of the street, mid stride. I thought that if I didn't move, the mountain lion wouldn't see me. Ha! My plan failed (big surprise) and the mountain lion began sauntering toward me. She was very menacing. I mean, aren't all mountain lions a wee bit menacing, especially when they're heading directly for you? Anyway, I was still frozen and convinced my life was about to end when all of a sudden, the freakin' mountain lion turned into an ocelot and started rubbing against my legs and purring. It smiled. It was weird. I was relieved because ocelots are much less scary that mountain lions. Right?
Mountain Lion (will eat your face):

Ocelot (will snuggle your face):
Anyway, moving on...
I petted the now ocelot and got in my car. The window was down and the ocelot half crawled through the window to put her arms around me and snuggle my head. She was squeezing me and nuzzling my face and still purring. Her whiskers tickled and made me laugh. Actually, I think it was the whole experience of being hugged by an ocelot that made me laugh. Anywho, she wouldn't move. I thought she was asleep so I carefully got my phone and took a picture of us with her sweetly cuddled up to my face so people would believe this really happened. She woke up. I turned to her and asked, "Are you an ocelot?" She replied as she walked away, "I'm a quarter hor..." I ran after her and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't hear that last part. Did you just say you're a quarter whore?" She wouldn't answer me. So, either she was a quarter whore (whatever that might be) or a quarter horse disguised as an ocelot that was disguised as a mountain lion. As I pondered this, I woke up.
I continued thinking about what this whacked out but not scary dream might mean. I've got no clue. I did see a picture of an ocelot the other day and my uncle was talking about a Saturn down the street last night, but really? How did that all combine into this thing? I have no idea, but I have a strong urge to cuddle an ocelot. I'll just have to settle for my cat.
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