Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Human Growing

I'm 8 weeks pregnant.  I've known about the mini human in my stomach for 4 weeks now.  I've felt the symptoms for 6 weeks.  Yeah, I know.  That's way earlier than most.  The same thing happened with Grace.  Anyway, I couldn't figure out why, one day at Walmart, I suddenly felt as though I was coming down with a severe case of the stomach flu.  I figured it must have been the perfume I smelled and the general ickyness of Walmart.  The next day, I got so tired that I slept half the day away even though I hadn't really exerted myself.  Those things continued for a couple weeks until I took a little test and saw that blue plus sign.  I took 3 tests to be sure that I wasn't mistaken.  Then, I was relieved and happy that the sickness and exhaustion were for something pretty kick ass.  Babies are cool, yo.

In the weeks since, I've had a periodic repulsion to tomato sauce and meat and most food that is suggested to me.  Salt has been my friend.  Nearly all scents make me very queasy and my sense of smell has become incredibly sensitive.  That did come in handy yesterday when I smelled my co-worker's salt and vinegar chips because those things are awesome and he gave me one, but usually, I'm smelling lots of things no one else can.  I Febreezed my whole house because I could still smell dinner from 2 days before.  John and Grace could not.  Also, if I'm not in bed by 8pm, I'm so exhausted the next day that I can barely see straight.  Sleep is good.  So very good.

We saw the heartbeat last week on an ultrasound and that was incredible.  That's not a good enough word to describe it, but a good enough word doesn't exist so incredible will just have to do.  The heartbeat looked light a little light that flickered really fast.  I can't wait to hear it and I can't wait for Grace and John to hear it, too!  I've done this once, but they haven't and it's been a long time since I have so it's all kind of new to me again.

I don't think Grace has decided how she feels about the baby yet.  That's okay.  She's going to be the best big sister ever once the baby is born.  Just 32 more weeks...


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