Monday, July 16, 2012

Color Run

The Color Run was Saturday in Omaha.  After hunting down a car to borrow that has working A/C, the near possibility that my beloved friends wouldn't make it, and gearing up with white clothes, pink lipstick, and a purple bandanna, we headed to Omaha.

Once there, we got in the incredibly long line to start the run.  They let people start in "waves" of 1000.  We were in the 10th wave.  Each wave started between 5-10 minutes apart.  We stood in some serious heat for a seriously long time, but I didn't mind.  Sweat was nothing compared to what I was about to get myself into.  I was having a good time, too.  I was thoroughly entertained looking at all the costumes people wore.  My favorite was the cheetah print, spandex body suit bravely worn by a young man.  He had a matching sweatband.

Finally, it was our turn to go.  Mo and Kyler sprinted way ahead of us.  I walked with Kenny, Mae, my Mom, and Grace.  We were soon pelted with lots of pink dust.  Then blue.  We neared a water station with happiness because we were very thirsty.  To our great disappointment, they had run out of water.  We continued on through the yellow to the next water station where they had a plentiful supply.  Wait.  Maybe the yellow was after the water.  I was so thirsty, I can't remember.  Mae drank at least 5 cups though.  Grace shared her extra cup with me.  The water renewed our energy and we continued our trek to the orange with the promise that there was a ton of water at the end of the run.  Along the way, we found sprinklers which the girls enjoyed.  By the way, there was no water at the end.

The orange was my least favorite.  Not only because the sweat made it turn a funky brown, but because I had myself an accident.  I was walking backwards trying to encourage Grace who was very worn out.  I didn't realize that Mae was right behind me, rolling on the ground to cover herself in as much orange as possible.  I tripped over her and landed flat on my back on the concrete.  I was really worried that I had hurt Mae and Kenny was really worried because I had hit my head...and elbows...and everything else.  Mae and I both jumped up with great speed and agility.  She was not hurt.  I wasn't sure if I was hurt and began walking again with Kenny making me wiggle my fingers to check for broken arm bones and asking me repeatedly if I was sure my head was ok.  In hindsight, I probably should have headed straight to the medical tent to be checked out because I did hit my head pretty hard.  I think I'm ok though.  My elbows are bruised and sore and I've got a good case of whiplash, but I'm not dead.

In the end, all the sweat, lack of water, and injuries were totally worth it.  I didn't think so right away, but then I saw the pictures and we all look pretty darn happy.  Now, I wish I could do this everyday.

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