The other day, 3 masked men broke into a woman's home and brutally attacked her for the sole reason that she is lesbian. They somehow think that just because the woman likes other women, that gave them the right to strip her, tie her up, carve obscenities into her skin, write obscenities on her walls, and try to light her house on fire. Everyone has the right to their own opinions but not the right to hurt anyone because of them. The thought of this woman's attack makes me want to hunt down the perpetrators and teach them a lesson in kindness.
Speaking of kindness, Grace is learning that just because someone is mean to her, she shouldn't be mean to them. I remember being a kid and trying to figure this one out. The problem always was that the mean kids never got caught being mean, but the nice kids always got caught treating the mean kids the way they treated everyone else. Does that make sense? It's not fair but that's the way it's been since the beginning of time. Grace is at the age where girls really start being cruel. I'm trying to teach her that she will not feel good about herself if she's being mean to anyone, including the mean girls. I've told her that she can think anything she wants about anyone, but she needs to keep the bad thoughts in her head or in a journal. Growing up is really hard.
On a completely different note, I've been driving past this sign everyday for weeks. It says "DANGER DO NOT ENTER." I can't figure out what the danger is. This is the only sign so I'm guessing it's only dangerous to enter from this side. It's been a source of great confusion for many weeks now. Someday, I will figure out what the big danger is. Until then, I will have to contain my urge to walk right past that danger sign just in case the property is booby trapped. I don't want to lose a leg or anything.
Oh, I SO want to take the danger sign and put it in your mean neighbor's driveway!!! Like Grace, I need to learn to keep my mean thoughts in my head. Growing up IS hard.